#449. Loss is Inevitable. Here’s How to Handle It | Kathryn Schulz

There is an unstoppable flow of gain and loss within our lives.
Processing this flow helps us to develop equanimity. In this conversation, Pulitzer Prize-winner and New Yorker staff writer Kathryn Schulz discusses her new book Lost and Found: A Memoir, in which she explores experiencing both a huge loss, then a huge gain, and how to live in a world where both happiness and pain commingle.
In this episode we talk about:
- How humans experience grief
- A gift you can give to the grieving
- Why she loves the clichés that remind us to enjoy the moment
- Her broad understanding of the term “loss”
- Why the key word in ‘lost and found’ is: “and”
- What she’s learned about compromising in relationships
Where to find Kathryn Schulz online:
Website: www.kathrynschulz.com
Social Media:
- Twitter: @kathrynschulz
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