The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness
Join Dan Harris, the Dalai Lama, neuroscientist Richie Davidson, and meditation expert Roshi Joan Halifax in a transformative 10-day course that blends ancient wisdom with cutting-edge science. Learn proven steps to cultivate happiness through insightful sessions on taming the mind, overcoming self-criticism, fostering empathy, and more. Sign up now and discover practical tools to create lasting happiness.

We’re a culture obsessed with happiness, except we’ve been going about it all wrong. Join us for a FREE 10-day course where one of the wisest humans on the planet teams up with a leading neuroscientist to share the proven steps you can take to be happier. In a paradigm-shifting collaboration, our host Dan Harris joins the Dalai Lama, world-renowned educator and researcher Richie Davidson, and ace meditation teacher Roshi Joan Halifax. Together, they'll guide you into the intersection of cutting-edge scientific research and ancient wisdom practices that have been proven to create happiness. You'll come away with tools you can use to start finding your way to happiness.
Learn from the Most Qualified People on the Planet
This groundbreaking 10-day course transports you to India for insightful conversations with the Dalai Lama, world-renowned educator and researcher Richie Davidson, and meditation teacher Roshi Joan Halifax. Learn directly from some of the most qualified people on the planet about how to train your mind to become happier — and then actually do it.
Happiness is a Skill — Learn How to Be Happier
This course teaches you how to develop happiness as a skill through ten insightful sessions. Topics include understanding happiness, taming the monkey mind, overcoming self-criticism, fostering empathy, cultivating relationships, and embracing altruism. Each session combines video lessons and meditations, providing practical tools for lasting happiness.
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Meet the instructors
The Dalai Lama
Dan Harris
Richard Davidson
Roshi Joan Halifax
What You’ll Learn
Session One: Happiness is a Skill
Session Two: Taming The Monkey Mind
Session Three: Don’t Believe In Your Thoughts
Session Four: Wise Selfishness
Session Five: The Case Against Self-Criticism
Session Six: Social Animals
Session Seven: Compassion for Jerks
Session Eight: “Oneness” is More Than a Cliché
Session Nine: The Good News About Death
Session Ten: The Hardest Part Is Remembering
The headline out of this extraordinary conversation between modern science and ancient Buddhism is that the brain and the mind are trainable. In other words, happiness is not some unalterable factory setting. It's actually a skill. And over the next ten sessions, we're going to teach you how to train this skill for yourself.
Do what it actually takes to be happier

Questions? We’ve got answers.
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Do what it actually takes to be happier.