Common Practice Questions
How can I find a meditation retreat center?
If you're used to the kind of meditation we teach at Happier and you're looking for a meditation retreat that feels familiar, search for Insight Mindfulness meditation centers near you. The Buddhist Insight Network has a searchable database. We also have a resource on our website with meditation retreat centers around the world that are generally in alignment with the practice of meditation as we teach it at Happier. It’s not a comprehensive list, but may be a helpful starting point.
Our general advice in relation to any meditation center is to try to find out what style or approach they have regarding lineage or tradition, whether it is a non-profit or for-profit, how much training the main teachers have, from where, and with whom. If anything doesn't seem quite right, doing an internet search is a good idea because these days a lot of information is available online regarding ethical misconduct in relation to particular teachers. Additionally, if there is a particular meditation teacher whose style works for you, you can often find retreats they're leading by looking on their website or following their teaching calendar.
These days, retreats can happen online or in person and range from 1 day to 3 months or longer. A short retreat might be 3 days which can be a good way to give it a try - but each person's different. As you explore what's available you'll get a feel for what might work for you. The amount of silence maintained differs depending on the kind of mindfulness retreat you choose. Many silent retreats are fully silent except for a brief Q&A period on the last day.

Do what it actually takes to be happier.