#437. Unseating the Inner Tyrant | Ajahn Sucitto

Often we are our own worst critic.
In this episode, Buddhist monk Ajahn Sucitto explores ways to unseat the inner tyrant and make peace with the nagging voice inside of you that seems to always demand perfection, but never offer praise.
Ajahn Sucitto was raised in the United Kingdom and became a monk in 1975 in the lineage of the Thai forest master, Venerable Ajahn Chah. In 1979, he helped establish Cittaviveka, also known as Chithurst Forest Monastery, in West Sussex, England where he still lives.
In this episode we talk about:
- Strategies to addressing our inner critic
- Why we shouldn’t operate at 100%
- The foolishness of turning our minds into courts of law
- The Buddhist precepts (or ethical guidelines)
- And the essential nature of sangha/community
Where to find Ajahn Sucitto online:
Website: ajahnsucitto.org
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