The Science Of Crying: The Evolutionary Roots, Benefits, And Why So Many Of Us Are Uncomfortable With It | Benjamin Perry (Co-hosted By Dr. Bianca Harris)

Reverend Benjamin Perry, is the author of Cry, Baby: Why Our Tears Matter. He’s the editorial director at Garrett Seminary, Consulting Minister for Public Theology at Middle Church, and editor of the Queer Faith photojournalism series. He has a masters in divinity from Union Theological Seminary.
In this episode we talk about:
- Why Doty got interested in this subject, and the rather extraordinary exercise he put himself through
- The gender differences on this issue
- How vulnerability can be misused or weaponized
- The issue of interpersonal relationships when it comes to tears (Bianca and Dan delve into this in regards to their relationship)
- How we replay childhood patterns in grownup relationships
- The deep connection between crying and shame
- The messages we share with our children about crying
- How we can reconnect to the emotional parts of ourselves
Related Episodes:
- #361 Why Men Armor Up | Daniel Ellenberg
- #441. A Thing Most Men Won't Talk About
- Vulnerability: The Key to Courage | Brene Brown
- The Science Of Speaking Up For Yourself | Elaine Lin Hering (Co-interviewed by Dan's wife Bianca!)
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Additional Resources:
- Cry, Baby: Why Our Tears Matter
- Conversations With People Who Hate Strangers
- Search Engine with PJ Vogt: Why'd I take speed for twenty years? (part two!)
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