#300 Six Words to Get You Through a Bad Day | Bonnie Duran

It feels like the right time to drop a deep Dharma episode. And this one has a twist. Bonnie Duran is a professor in the Schools of Social Work and Public Health at the University of Washington, where she also directs the Center for Indigenous Health Research. She has spent decades studying and teaching Buddhist meditation, and also exploring the connections between the dharma and the indigenous wisdom of her forebears. In this conversation, we talk about: the connections between meditation and native ceremonies such as the sun dance; we explore a Buddhist list that I had never heard of, called the Seven Spokes of Satipatthana; and she lays out a six word reflection for getting through crappy days. Just to say in advance, Bonnie has a rangy and fast-moving mind. She has a delightful habit of saying a thousand interesting things in the course of one paragraph. Sometimes it takes me a while to catch up, but I promise that I do follow up on all of her interesting threads eventually.
Where to find Bonnie Duran online:
Website: University of Washington, School of Social Work
Social Media:
Other Resources Mentioned:
- A Field Guide to the Mind: Practical Abhidhamma for Meditators by Steve Armstrong
- White Awake, a foundational course by Roots Deeper Than Whiteness
- The Overstory by Richard Powers
Additional Resources:
- Ten Percent Happier Live: https://meditatehappier.com/live
- Coronavirus Sanity Guide: https://www.meditatehappier.com/coronavirussanityguide
- Free App access for Frontline Workers: https://meditatehappier.com/care